marți, 24 august 2010

Attending kindergarten is as crucial as attending school… Maybe more so!

Just imagine for a second you are 6 years old and going to your first day of school. But because you are  from a disadvantaged family no one read bed-time stories for you, so you haven’t open too many books, those you have at home don’t have pictures anyway ... Playing with the other children on the street was great fun, but the parents were to engrossed in their own issues to be there and explain you all things – nurture your curiosity.   And then …there are all the other children you meet in the first day of school … some of them read & write already … and you can barely hold a pencil …Wouldn’t you feel a bit overwhelmed? Wouldn’t you worry is you can do all this school thing?

Children are transformed in kindergarten, it seems to be a “magic age” when the child can be molded and it  helps him fare batter in life. Let’s give the same chance to a poor child from Bucharest poor neighborhoods go to SOS Kindergarden  and have a far chance later with school! If we wait by age six … it’s too late!

If hard data is your thing … American scientists studied groups of children and proved that attending kindergarten is crucial for the future of the child. As expected those benefiting from early kindergarten education fared better in life vs those that only started school later (e.g. higher chance of finishing school; lower chance of being in jail by age 27 J). More details on American Research regarding influence of Pre-school Education on Children:

For kids from disadvantages families going to school is not an easy thing …it maybe just a dream, as difficult as climbing a very tall mountain. Many obstacles stop them on the “way to school”: lack of money or news clothes or just simply their parents have bigger things to worry about like how to feed the family the next day.

Dear friends please help a child go to school through “SOS Children Villages Romania”. Also help me with your encouragements as I am attempting to climb Damavand in Iran (5610m) the highest peak in the Middle East.  While I only need your words of support the children need more: they need clothes and notebooks and pencils.

In order to help the children please book “meters for the future” by sending me an e-mail. Please specify how many meters you would like to book out of the total 5610m altitude of the Damavand mountain – keep in mind that 1 meter is 1 euro. After I climb (Sep 10-15, 2010) you reward me & help them kids. All the money will be donated to “SOS Children Villages Romania”.


Children from SOS Kindergarten Bucharest Romania dancing at the school fest

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